Educational Dialogue

As a member of the Cambridge Educational Dialogue Research Group (CEDiR), I have worked with colleagues on a number of projects and initiatives looking to enhance practice related to educational dialogue. I am a member of the team that developed the free suite of educator’s resources: Toolkit for Systematic Dialogue Analysis (T-SEDA) which has been translated into eight languages including Arabic. I was also a member of the Cambridge Teacher Research Exchange (Camtree) development group and am now a Camtree affiliate. Camtree houses courses that support educators to use T-SEDA.


Hogan, M. J., Barton, A., Twiner, A., James, C., Ahmed, F., Casebourne, I., Steed, I. Hamilton, P. Shi, S. Zhao, Y. Harney, O. & Wegerif, R. (2023). Education for collective intelligence. Irish Educational Studies, 1–30.  

Calcagni, E., Ahmed, F. Trigo Clapés, A. L., Kershner, R, & Hennessy, S. (2023). Developing dialogic classroom practices through supporting professional agency: Teachers' experiences of using the T-SEDA practitioner-led inquiry approach. Teaching and Teacher Education, 

Hennessy, S. Kershner, R.  Calcagni, E & Ahmed, F. (2021). Supporting practitioner-led inquiry into classroom dialogue with a research-informed professional learning resource: A design-based approach. Review of Education, 9:3,  

Vrikki, M. Calcagni, E. Hennessy, S. Lee, L. Hernández, F. Estrada, N. & Ahmed, F. (2019). The teacher scheme for educational dialogue analysis (T-SEDA): developing a research-based observation tool for supporting teacher inquiry into pupils’ participation in classroom dialogue. International Journal of Research and Method in Education, 42:2, 185-203,

Major, L., Kershner, R. et al. (2018). CEDiR Group working paper: A dialogue about educational dialogue: reflections on the field and the work of the Cambridge Educational Dialogue Research Group

Conferences and Events

18-20 September 2024 Calcagni, E. Gröshner, A. Hennessy, S. Kershner, R. & Ahmed, F. More than a buzzword: Teachers’ conceptions of classroom dialogue. SIG 20 and SIG 26 Conference, European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Berlin, Germany

26-28 June 2024 Ahmed, F. Aramaki, K. Arif, I. Bermudez, G. Brugha, B. Goodland, J. Peters, S. Piccini, C. Raghavendra, D.& Weeden. K. Perceived impact of Educational Dialogue on Transversal Skills: Analysis of a Teachers’ and Researchers’ online forum. Swiss Society for Research in Education Annual Conference, Locarno, Switzerland

10 May 2023 Convenor: CEDiR Roundtable on Dialogue in Different Educational Traditions. Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, Cambridge UK

*31 August 2022 Teacher Scheme for Educational Dialogue Analysis - Teacher Professional Development through Inquiry. Kashmir University Annual Teacher Professional Development Meeting. 

23-27 August 2021 Hennessy, S. Kershner, R. Calcagni, E. & Ahmed, F. Local Facilitation of Practitioner-led Inquiry into Classroom Dialogue using a Research Based Tool. Part of the symposium: Reconsidering facilitation of professional development for dialogue in the context of scalability. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction 19th Biennial Conference (online)

*14 July 2020 Panel Dialogue: Listening and Hearing in Dialogues: Creating Inclusive Dialogues in Learning Cambridge Educational Dialogue Research Group Summer Seminar Series, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, UK.

4-7 September 2018 A dialogic approach to research-based professional development: the Teacher Scheme for Educational Dialogue Analysis (T-SEDA). ECER Conference 2018, Bolzano, Italy

5-7 September 2017 Trialling the Teacher Scheme for Educational Dialogue Analysis (T-SEDA): Implications for understanding what are the appropriate forms of professional inquiry into dialogic learning and teaching. Symposium: Developing Professional Knowledge of Dialogic Classroom Practices (Teacher Education and Development), BERA Conference 2017, University of Sussex, UK Presented by Sara Hennessy and Ruth Kershner on behalf of Farah Ahmed, Elisa Calcagni, Nube Estrada, Flora Hernandez, Lisa Lee and Maria Vrikki

21-25 August 2017 Trialling the Teacher Scheme for Educational Dialogue Analysis (T-SEDA): Developing a Professional Development Pack to support dialogic teaching and learning. Reforming Education and the Imperative of Constant Change: Ambivalent roles of policy and educational research. ECER Conference 2017. Copenhagen, Denmark. Presented by Ruth Kershner on behalf of Farah Ahmed, Elisa Calcagni, Nube Estrada, Sara Hennessy, Flora Hernandez, Lisa Lee and Maria Vrikki


My work on educational dialogue is closely tied with educator professional development and classroom inquiry. T-SEDA was partly funded by an ESRC Impact Accelerator grant and has reached hundreds of teachers and schools. Camtree continues to build on this work.