Dialogic Halaqah for Shakhsiyah Islamiyah
My PhD research is available here: Pedagogy as Dialogue between Cultures: Exploring Halaqah: an Islamic dialogic pedagogy that acts as a vehicle for developing Muslim children’s shakhsiyah (personhood, autonomy, identity) in a pluralist society
Abstract: This research presents an argument for the use of dialogic halaqah to develop the personal autonomy of young Muslims in twenty-first century Britain. It begins by developing a theoretical grounding for Islamic conceptualisations of personal autonomy and dialogic pedagogy. In doing so, it aims to generate dialogue between Islamic and ‘western’ educational traditions, and to clarify the theoretical foundation of halaqah, a traditional Islamic oral pedagogy, that has been adapted to meet the educational needs of Muslim children in contemporary Britain. Dialogic halaqah is daily practice in two independent British Muslim faith-schools, providing a safe space for young Muslims to cumulatively explore challenging issues, in order to facilitate the development of selfhood, hybrid identity and personal autonomy, theorised as shakhsiyah Islamiyah. This thesis examines the relationship between thought, language, and the development of personal autonomy in neo-Ghazalian, Vygotskian and Bakhtinian traditions, and suggests the possibility of understanding shakhsiyah Islamiyah as a dialogical Muslim-self.
This theoretical work underpins an empirical study of data generated through dialogic halaqah held with groups of school children and young people. Using established analytic schemes, data from these sessions are subjected to both thematic and dialogue analyses. Emergent themes relating to autonomy and choice, independent and critical thinking, navigating authority, peer pressure, and choosing to be Muslim are explored. Themes related to halaqah as dialogic pedagogy, whether and how it supports the development of agency, resilience and independent thinking, and teacher and learner roles in halaqah, are examined. Moreover, findings from dialogue analysis, which evaluates the quality of educational dialogue generated within halaqah, that is, participants’ capacity to engage in dialogue with each other, as well as with an imagined secular other, are presented. The quality of the dialogic interactions is evaluated, as is evidence of individual participant’s autonomy in their communicative actions.
Ahmed, F. (2021). Authority, autonomy, and selfhood in Islamic education – Theorising Shakhsiyah Islamiyah as a dialogical Muslim-self. Educational Philosophy and Theory, https://doi.org/10.1080/00131857.2020.1863212
Ahmed, F. (2021). Devising an Islamic Approach to Learning and Teaching through Hadith Jibra’il: Reorienting ourselves to education from within and Islamic worldview. In Memon, N. A., Alhashmi, M. & Abdalla, M. (Eds). Curriculum Renewal for Islamic Education: Critical perspectives on teaching Islam in primary and secondary schools. Oxford UK: Routledge
Ahmed, F (2019). The potential of halaqah to be a transformative Islamic dialogic pedagogy. In Mercer, N. Wegerif, R. and Major, L. (Eds.), Routledge International Handbook of Research on Dialogic Education. Oxford UK: Routledge
Ahmed, F. (2018). An exploration of Naquib al-Attas’ theory of Islamic education as t’adib as an ‘indigenous’ educational philosophy. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 50:8, 786-794, doi: 10.1080/00131857.2016.1247685
Ahmed, F. (2018). Character and Values Education in English schools: what can private Islamic faith and state funded public schools learn from each other? In Berglund, J. (Ed.) European Perspectives on Islamic Education and Public Schooling. Sheffield UK: Equinox
Ahmed, F. and Sabir, T. (2017). Developing Shakhsiyah Islamiyah: personalized character education for British Muslims. In M. Abu Bakr (Ed.), Living the Faith, Engaging the Mind: Rethinking Madrasah Education in the Modern World. Oxford UK: Routledge
Ahmed, F. and Lawson, I. (2016). Teaching Islam: Are there pedagogical limits to critical inquiry? In N. Memon and M. Zaman (Eds.), Philosophies of Islamic Education: Historical Perspectives and Emerging Discourses. Oxford UK: Routledge
Monograph: I am currently writing a monograph from my PhD and postdoctoral work:
Ahmed, F. (Forthcoming). Educating the dialogical Muslim-self – revitalising traditional Islamic halaqah for young Muslims. Routledge Research in Religion and Education series
Conferences and Events (* by invitation)
*27 September 2024 Ahmed F. Hadith Jibrīl, Syed Naquib al Attas Philosophy of Education and a Roadmap for Islamic Schools. R Zarith Sofiah Centre for Advanced Studies on Islam, Science & Civilisation, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
*6 September 2024 Hadith Jibrīl, Syed Naquib al Attas Philosophy of Education and a Roadmap for Islamic Schools. Public Talk. International Centre for Educational Excellence, Kuala Lumpar, Malaysia
*15 November 2023 Ahmed, F. Agency within Relationality: formations of a dialogic Muslim-self. Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain Seminars, UCL Institute of Education, London, UK
10 May 2023 Ahmed F. Halaqah and Dialogue in Religious Nurture. Organised and participated in CEDiR Roundtable on Dialogue in Different Educational Traditions. Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, Cambridge UK
*30 September 2022 Ahmed F. Dialogue in Islamic Education. University of Cambridge Faculty of Education Symposium: Purposes of education in interreligious dialogue. Cambridge UK
5 March 2022 Ahmed, F. Using a neo-Ghazalian framework to develop a dialogic conceptualization of shakhsiyah Islamiyah (Islamic character) as the core aim of education (tarbiyah, t’alīm, t’adīb and tazkiya). International Workshop: Ghazzali’s Multiplex Psychology of Human Development: Ta‘lim and Tazkiya. Usul Academy, EDEP, Istanbul, Turkey
*31 April 2022 Meeting the challenge of young Muslim double-consciousness in minority contexts through Halaqah, a dialogic pedagogy for developing shakhsiyah (personhood, autonomy, identity’. In person workshop held at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge for a group of trainee Islamic Education Teachers in the ILM Project at the University of Tubingen, Germany
*2 December 2021 Ahmed, F. Theorising a dialogic approach to holistic Islamic education. Invited to present at a University of Winchester PESGB Seminar
*11 July 2021 Invited to participate in an online book launch for Memon, N. A., Alhashmi, M. & Abdalla, M. (Eds). Curriculum Renewal for Islamic Education: Critical perspectives on teaching Islam in primary and secondary schools. Oxford UK: Routledge
*11 June 2021 Meeting the challenge of young Muslim double-consciousness in minority contexts through Halaqah, a dialogic pedagogy for developing Shakhsiyah (personhood, autonomy, identity’. Online workshop with trainee Islamic Education Teachers in the ILM Project at the University of Tubingen, Germany
*30 March 2021 Ahmed, F. Educational Possibilities for Scottish Muslim children. Invited to participate in a panel as part of the Holyrood Faith Debates series of seminars held at the University of Glasgow, Scotland
17-21 April 2020 Ahmed, F. Developing a Conceptualization of Shakhsiyah Islamiyah (Islamic Character) as a Dialogic Muslim-Self Imbued with Agency [Symposium]. AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA, USA http://tinyurl.com/tpr75mr (Conference Cancelled due to Pandemic)
*20 January 2020 Ahmed, F. ‘Authority, Autonomy and Selfhood in Islamic education – A Philosophical Approach’ – Cambridge branch of Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain Seminar, Cambridge, UK
*11-13 February 2019 Keynote: Meeting the challenge of young Muslim double-consciousness in minority contexts using halaqah, a dialogic pedagogy for developing shakhsiyah (personhood, autonomy, identity). Parenting, Schooling and Identity Formation and Reformation: From the Middle Ages to the Modern Period Workshop – The Taylor-Schechter Genizah Research Unit, Cambridge University Library and the Research Authority of Orot Israel College, Campus Rehovot, Cambridge, UK
*3-4 December 2018 Meeting the challenge of young Muslim double-consciousness in minority contexts through the use of halaqah, a dialogic pedagogy for developing Shakhsiyah (personhood, autonomy, identity). European Perspectives on Islamic Education and Public Schooling - an International Symposium and book launch, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
*20 September 2018 Pedagogy as dialogue between cultures. Education and Religion SIG: Latest Research Symposium, UCL Institute of Education, London, UK
11-13 September 2018 Evaluating dialogue generated through the activity of halaqah, a daily dialogic circle held in UK Islamic faith primary schools. BERA Conference, Newcastle, UK
11-13 September 2018 Meeting the challenge of young Muslim double-consciousness in minority contexts through the use of halaqah, a dialogic pedagogy for developing shakhsiyah (personhood, autonomy, identity). BERA Conference, Newcastle, UK
4-7 September 2018 Meeting the challenge of young Muslim double-consciousness in minority contexts through the use of halaqah, a dialogic pedagogy for developing shakhsiyah (personhood, autonomy, identity). ECER Conference 2018, Bolzano, Italy
27-28 August 2018 Drawing on neo-Ghazalian ontology and epistemology to develop a conceptualisation of a dialogical Muslim-self and a dialogic theory of Islamic education. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction SIG17 and SIG25 Conference: Dialogue between ontology and epistemology: new perspectives on theory and methodology in research on learning and education, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
27-28 August 2018 Halaqah: Dialogic pedagogy for Muslims in Europe: an expanded conceptualisation of learning. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction SIG 17 and SIG 25 Methodology workshop, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
23 June 2018 Children’s voice and autonomous learners in ‘alternative’ Islamic faith-schools. Contradictions and Possibilities. BERA Alternative Education SIG Workshop: Alternative ways of educating teachers to educate children differently: What do curriculum, assessment and pedagogy look like when ‘done differently’? London, UK
*15 January 2018 Halaqah: Dialogic Pedagogy for British Muslim children in Uncertain Times. Centre for the Study of Islam in the UK: Islam, Muslims, and education in Britain: A one-day symposium, Cardiff University, UK
*5 June 2017 UCL Festival of Culture Panel Discussion on Fundamental British Values: Professor Vini Landers, Donya Salamat and Farah Ahmed. Facilitated by Dr Lynn Revell. London, UK
12-13 May 2017 Halaqah: Dialogic Pedagogy for British Muslim children in Uncertain Times. Muslims in the UK and Europe Postgraduate Symposium, Centre of Islamic Studies, University of Cambridge, UK
*23 May 2017 Philosophies of Islamic Education. Book Launch – Religion and Education SIG, UCL Institute of Education
18-20 September 2017 Halaqah: Dialogic Pedagogy for British Muslim children in Uncertain Times. Cambridge AHRC DTP International Conference: Tradition and Transformation, University of Cambridge, UK
*6-8 April 2016 Character Education in English schools: what can private Islamic faith and state funded public schools learn from each other? Islamic Education and European Public Schooling Workshop, WRERU, University of Warwick, UK
15-17 September 2015 Symposium convener: Drawing on Islamic and European educational traditions: developing hybrid pedagogies for a cohesive and sustainable future. Including a paper entitled, Pedagogy as Dialogue between Cultures: exploring Halaqah, an Islamic oral pedagogy used to generate culturally relevant dialogic education in UK Islamic primary school. 13thUKFIET Conference, Learning for Sustainable Futures – Making the Connections, Oxford, UK
13-15 April 2015 Autonomy, authority and pedagogy in British Islamic schools: An exploration of Halaqah (Circle Time), an oral pedagogy that uses reflexivity and dialogue to develop autonomy in the Muslim learner. British Association of Islamic Studies Annual Conference 2015, London UK
*12-13 March 2015 Countering ‘Extremism’ through Criticality in British Muslim Primary Schools. Invited to give an insider perspective at the workshop. ‘The Inclusion of Muslims in Western European Education Systems: Together or Separate?’ held at the Mannheim Centre for European Social Studies, Mannheim University, Germany
7-9 November 2014 Pedagogy as Dialogue between Cultures: Islamic epistemology and Vygotsky’s ‘Thought and Language. British Psychological Society Psychology of Education Section Annual Conference 2014: Learning and Teaching in a Changing Educational Context, UK
11-12 June 2012 An exploration of Halaqah, an Islamic oral pedagogy that aims to develop autonomy through reflexivity and dialogue within a culturally coherent Islamic British context. Researching Agency in Educational Contexts, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, UK
1-4 October 2011 Synthesizing Classical Islamic and modern pedagogy to meet the needs of Muslim children in the 21st century. Knowledge and Education in Classical Islam: Historical Foundations and Contemporary Impact, University of Gottingen, Germany in collaboration with Al-Azhar University, Egypt
4 June 2011 Co-convenor: Educating Muslims in the UK. Co-organiser of a conference to propose a Centre for Research and Evaluation in Muslim Education at the Institute of Education, University of London, UK. Following the conference, funding was secured to launch the centre in Oct 2012
Dialogic Halaqah continues to be used in Shakhsiyah Schools and is increasingly being used internationally through the Islamic Educator Learning Community. The theorisation of Shakhsiyah Islamiyah as a dialogical Muslim-self is slowly impacting thought in Islamic educational settings.
Publications for Educators
Ahmed, F. (2024). Dialogic Halaqah: A Guide for the Muslim Educator. London, UK: Shakhsiyah Publications
Ahmed, F. (2020). Educating for personhood: personalised character education for young British Muslims. Impact, Journal of the Chartered College of Teaching Special Issue: Youth Social Action and Character Education
Educator Events (* by invitation)
*30 September – 3rd October 2024 Dialogue: Revival Rooted in Tradition and The Prophetic Pedagogy of Dialogic Halaqah. Global Association of Islamic Schools Annual Retreat, Shah Alam, Malaysia
*28 September 2024 The Shakhsiyah Schools Story: an educational model drawn from the Islamic worldview. ICEE International Educators Conference, Raja Tun Uda Library, Shah Alam, Malaysia
*24 September 2024 “He Came to Teach You Your Deen”: Learning about Education from Hadith Jibril. Public Talk. Maahad Tahfiz Az-Zahra, Selangor, Malaysia
*20 September 2024 The Shakhsiyah Schools Story: an educational model drawn from the Islamic worldview. Public Talk. International Centre for Educational Excellence, Kuala Lumpar, Malaysia
*13-14 September 2024 Using Dialogic Halaqah to Develop Shakhsiyah Islamiyah. Teacher training workshop. International Centre for Educational Excellence, Kuala Lumpar, Malaysia
*12 September 2024 “He Came to Teach You Your Deen”: Learning about Education from Hadith Jibril. Teacher Training Session. Sekolah Menengah Islam Hira’ & Maahad Tahfiz Al-Quran Hira, Selangor, Malaysia
*23 August 2024 “He Came to Teach You Your Deen”: Learning about Education from Hadith Jibril. Teacher Training Day. Al-Siraat College, Melbourne, Australia
*21 August 2024 “He Came to Teach You Your Deen”: Learning about Education from Hadith Jibril. Teacher Training Day. Malek Fahd Islamic School Hoxton Park Campus, Sydney, Australia
*17-18 August 2024 Keynote: The Shakhsiyah Schools Story: an educational model drawn from the Islamic worldview. 7th Annual Australian Islamic Schooling Conference. Islamic Worldview: Renewing Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment, Brisbane, Australia
*15-16 August 2024 “He Came to Teach You Your Deen”: Learning about Education from Hadith Jibril. Islamic Schools Association of Australia Annual Conference, Brisbane, Australia
*12 August 2024 What is Dialogic Halaqah and how can it develop Shakhsiyah Islamiyah? Mareeba Islamic Society, Mareeba, Queensland, Australia
21April 2014 What is Dialogic Halaqah and how can it develop Shakhsiyah Islamiyah? ISNA Schools, Toronto, Canada
20 April 2024 What is Dialogic Halaqah and how can it develop Shakhsiyah Islamiyah? Islamic Schools Association of Canada Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada
*19 April What is Dialogic Halaqah and how can it develop Shakhsiyah Islamiyah? Princeton Muslim Centre Weekend School Teaching Team, Princeton, USA
*18 April 2024 “He Came to Teach You Your Deen”: Learning about Education from Hadith Jibril. Princeton Muslim Centre Community Talk, Princeton, USA
*17 April 2024 "He Came to Teach You Your Deen”: Learning about Education from Hadith Jibril.
Islamic Cultural Centre of Willow Grove, Philadelphia, USA
*6 May 2023 Shakhsiyah Islamiyah as the core aim of education. Global Association of Islamic Schools – Scholar Series Webinar.
*20 January 2023 Islam, Education and Schooling Advanced Study Intensive – one day course organised by Islamic Courses, East London Mosque, London, UK.
*18 December 2022 – Online expert panellist to Organisation of Islamic Cooperation Human Rights Commission Annual Meeting: Right to Family Life: Islamic and Human Rights Perspectives
*26 November 2022 Roundtable on Madrasah Education. UK Mosque Expo, London, UK.
*3-5 October 2022 Shakhsiyah Education and Dialogic Practices. Global Association of Islamic Schools Inaugural Conference. Istanbul, Turkey.
*28th June 2020 Understanding Hadith Jibril in relation to Islamic Education. Nida Trust International Public Webinar for Muslim teachers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34aJoKUnpIE
*9th May 2020 Autonomy, Authority and Education – Exploring the Educational Thought of Allama Iqbal. Islamic Courses Public Webinar
*2nd May 2020 Using Imam al-Ghazali’s Educational Thought to Nurture Children’s Spirituality. Islamic Courses Public Webinar
May 2020 Devising an Islamic Approach to Learning and Teaching through Hadith Jibra’il: Reorienting ourselves to education from within an Islamic worldview. Shakhsiyah Education Ramadan Series of four Public Webinars
* 11-12 July 2018 Islamic Pedagogy: Potential and Possibilities. 3rd Annual Australian Islamic Schooling Conference: Islamic Schooling Renewal: A Focus on Pedagogy, Centre for Islamic Thought and Education, University of South Australia, Magill, Australia
May 2013 Shakhsiyah Education: Developing a holistic Islamic approach to education in the UK. Islamic Education in the Western Context; challenges & opportunities, Nida Trust / Centre for Research and Evaluation in Muslim Education conference, Institute of Education, University of London, UK